

瑞致人物:侯彥淩 Lindsay Hou

-瑞致品牌策略師 Vetica Taipei, Brand Strategist


侯彥淩 (Lindsay Hou) 畢業於國立政治大學新聞學系,產業經歷橫跨國內外新聞採訪編譯,媒體公關與中英文數位內容產製等領域,於2023年加入瑞致擔任品牌策略師,協助各大品牌專案前期規劃、品牌策略執行與客戶關係管理。

Lindsay 相信文字的溫度能傳遞無遠弗屆的力量。新聞系畢業後,繼續攻讀輔仁大學跨文化研究所翻譯學碩士班,期間同時前往英國 Cardiff University 取得國際新聞碩士學位。

來自新聞與翻譯跨領域,曾任非凡電視台國際新聞編譯,全球科技產業調研公司集邦科技英文編輯和公關副理,也是擁有十年資歷的中英譯者,Lindsay 善用不同媒介說故事,力求資訊簡單扼要,讓受眾容易理解並產生共鳴。

憑藉豐富的公關經驗,Lindsay 具備跨部門協調與市場分析能力,並參與媒體宣傳策略規劃,達成提升企業品牌形象的目標。

Lindsay 相信「溝通」是所有專案與計畫成功的基礎,而溝通的起點便是從了解自己開始:了解自己是誰、為什麼而做,接著再思考如何執行。須以 4W 原則 (Whom, Who, What, How),確立溝通目的與方向,並依據情境與需求靈活運用,協助客戶制定面面俱到而且方向明確的品牌策略。

Lindsay Hou holds a BA degree in Journalism from National Chengchi University. Her career spans local and foreign news reporting, translation, public relations, and digital content production in English and Chinese. Lindsay joined Vetica Taipei in 2023 as Brand Strategist, assisting in project planning and implementation and client relationship management.

Lindsay thrives on the power and connection words provide. After graduating from college, she was accepted to the MA program in Translation Studies at one of Taiwan’s leading institutions. She also earned a MA degree in International Journalism from Cardiff University in the UK.

Drawing on her 10 years of experience as a Chinese-English translator and roles like foreign news reporter at a local TV station, English editor at a technology market research firm, and public relations assistant manager, she skillfully uses various media to craft stories that resonate with audiences. Her belief in the power of clear communication extends beyond words, informing her ability to coordinate across departments, analyze market trends, and develop successful media strategies that reinforce brand power.

Lindsay firmly believes that understanding oneself – who you are and why you do what you do – is the foundation for any successful communication. By leveraging the 4W framework (Whom, Who, What, How) and its adaptability to different contexts and needs, she aims to create comprehensive and well-defined brand strategies for her clients.